Free delivery for many products! Every other (what I would call) medium weight worker placement game that I could compare Viticulture to starts to feel the same after the 3rd or 4th play, however, the experience I get from Viticulture is at a level of it’s own! Thank you! This may result in 0 to 3 Automa workers being placed.”. I received the game from a pre-order on your website a while back and it’s quickly becoming a favorite to play with other couples! Sweet, thanks. I’d recommend asking Matagot for it. While those files aren’t something we can provide, I would suggest that you sleeve your cards and translate the text into BP on pieces of paper to insert into the sleeves (overlapping the English text). :). Clarity tops 1 sentence it says. We read the 2000+ word (maybe more) of the rule book and everything seemed understandable but when we went to place the first worker, we thought better double check just in case. Sury: Thanks for checking. I’m glad we got everything worked out. Oops. Are there any plans to make the two expansions Arboriculture & Formaggio available in a non-print-and-play format? You'll have a few plots of land, an old crush pad, a tiny cellar, 3 workers.and the dream of owning the best winery in Italy. Insert from Insert Here made setting up easy. Hello! What a neat box, so small :) Just ordered it last week from your site and delivery from fed-ex was quick. Moor Visitors adds more cards to the base game deck. I know now it refers to a 3+ player game now, and maybe this rule is why your FAQ for Viticulture has “How many workers can I place during my turn?”, because that is not in the Worker Placement section, that is excluded and replaced with “place multiple workers”. Hi Fabian! The Exposure Paradigm: When Stonemaier Games became a company during the Viticulture Kickstarter campaign in 2012–and in the first few projects that followed–exposure was really important because only a very small group of people knew we existed. The following failed on this: “All information on a player’s vineyard mat as well as available workers, amount of lira, and number and type of cards is public informaiton and cannot be concealed.”. I had a horrible experience with this game about 3 years ago. Keep counting above 25 points. I have never seen an Essentials edition so just wondering if there was anything upgraded or added in the Essentials that I need to get for myself. Hi Jamey. But keep an eye on the chart on this page for the most up-to-date info on all of our upcoming games and expansions: I suggest the follow t fix this, or should I say To fix this I sugget the following: “The following information is public information and cannot be concealed: a player’s vineyard mat as well as available workers, amount of lira, and number and type of cards.”. Ive ordered the game, and we are missing a white yoke mini, is it possible to get it somehow? Actually made things quite “strategic”… once you hit 25 it was better to invest in the tie-breaks than in more pts! Yes, please look at the different structure icons on each vineyard mat. I’d be happy to pay extra and don’t care if they don’t fit on the board – they would be very much appreciated! We prefer to give people the freedom to pick and choose what they want. Any word on iOS? Thanks Clifford! We’re not considering a new version of Tuscany (Tuscany Lite, containing only the extended board, structures, and special workers) until the original sells out. After you place a worker on an action, that worker stays there and does nothing else for the rest of the year. I should suppose that the answer will be the same right? Those were fantastic updates to the original game! What a great game from Stonemaier Games we played over the weekend! I see @2016 STM107. Your job is to allocate your workers and helpful visitors to complete various tasks throughout the year. Jamey Stegmaier & Alan Stone | Art by Beth Sobel. It refers to a different game! Any news about the planned german version? The Worker Placement section doesn’t say anything about just placing 1 worker, but it does say you may place multiple in some confusing way. We have to wake up in row 6 to get 1 point. 4. Thanks! when harvesting a field, flip vine cards – to ensure each field is only harvested once a year (flip back at year end “retrieve workers”), when planting a vine, move windmill alongside cockerel on turn track – to ensure bonus 1VP is only gained once each year (return to player board at year end “retrieve workers”), when giving a tour (and there is wine in your cellar), move tasting room alongside cockerel on turn track – to ensure bonus 1VP is only gained once each year (return to player board at year end “retrieve workers”). Hoping to buy Vit when I’m reemployed. :) You’re welcome to play with house rules as you wish! Hi Jamey, are there any news about a German release since 2015 is halfway through now? Is it available to buy? Also play with the dystopian cards every time. Reviews Videos Rules Facebook Group *** You find yourself in rustic, pre-modern Tuscany, where you’v We strive to create memorable, beautiful, fun games that engage and delight gamers worldwide. I guess I have the misprint copy? Is there a lot of text-based understanding going on in the game or does it function with a low grasp of english? You’ll be able to purchase both separately in 2 months. As I was opening everything I noticed my green guys were missing the wine bottle. Compare that to Rhine Valley which adds alternate decks of visitor cards. We currently don’t have any plans to make a neoprene mat for Viticulture or Tuscany. You don’t “need” any expansion. Hi Jamey and all, Thank you for this great masterpiece. Well, you’re asking the designer if the game should be played differently as designed, so I don’t think you’ll get the answer you’re looking for. 2) How does that work if we place more than one worker during a season? I just noticed on a Meeple Source kickstarter that there is a second set of special worker cards available. (I did re-read the book after our game and it does mention 1 worker in other sections but not the worker placement text). We’re working on that with our European production partner, Morning Players. I will write it and then i can post it here or on the facebook page of the game! I already had the First Edition Viticulture. Red Rising is a hand-management, combo-building game based on the futuristic dystopian novels by Pierce Brown. EXCEPT they both complained that they had trouble reading the cards. Just a quick extra question. –Rhine has same color cards, but different background picture like you said. Finally, do you folks sell the misprint stickers? Sorry for my bad English… I am waiting your answer in my email I’m just a bit confused and any clarification would be great. First of all a bit of context. That’s also the cost to buy it back. Visit from the Rhine Valley Viticulture Expansion Board Game £18.20. Would so love it if there was more coming – I’d be first in the queue to buy it! Chris, Jay and Mike talk about Guildhall: Job Faire, Viticulture, the Thunderstone Starter Set, Boss Monster, and […]. […], […] Game Page: […], Hi Dear, why the game isn’t in German > Bakers Thanks Asa! “A player may place multiple workers on the same action in subsequent turns if there are open action spaces.”. If you have the yoke purchased, and you’ve already placed the little worker there, can you also place your big worker there? The table of Tuscany is the best I have ever played with and cards are really refined..especially Mamas and Papas ones…Really a great job! :). Vendors should have it within a few weeks.—Viticulture-eh3n06, Hi again Jamey! 3. You will easily be able to differentiate components in this expansion from other expansions. Or should I wait and first and get to know Viticulture itself, and then buy the expansion(as I am sure that I will like this game)? I read somewhere online that the current Viticulture Essential Edition currently on the market is the last printing and it will be not on sale in future – is that true? :) Our direct pre-orders closed a while ago. (Laughs). I understand what you’re saying, but the terminology is incorrect. I think Viticulture is maybe the only game that I don’t get annoyed with mini cards, maybe because the info is pretty straight forward and you don’t spend much time looking at the cards. We are indeed making a new expansion for Viticulture. Thanks! The crew takes a look back at the games and gaming last year, including naming our unofficial ‘Game of the Year’ from 2013 – Viticulture. Do I only need Tuscany Essential and the Visit from the Rhine Valley to max level up my copy for maximum VC enjoyment? We loved her work on the board and box cover for Viticulture, as well as a couple of pieces from her portfolio, and we thought she’d do a great job with […]. Hi Roy! Thanks for the answer! You own a few plots of land, an old crush pad, a tiny cellar, 3 workers…and the dream of owning the best winery in Italy. The next level of the campaign says we have to start with – 5 points. Is there a way to update the game rather than buy a new one? How do I obtain visitor card during the game? My grandmother has ordered a copy of V:EE for me for Christmas, but has just messaged me to say that it looks like one side of the board, rule book and box are in Italian. Become a Stonemaier Champion to save 25% on every order for a year: Only 15 left in stock. Kurt: Game stores are welcome to start accepting pre-orders whenever they’d like. Hello! March Guest Interview – Jamey Stegmaier | Games Precipice, A Review of Viticulture | The Scrivener's Journal, Workers at the Winery (a review of Viticulture) | iSlaytheDragon, Workers at the Winery (a review of Viticulture) | My Website, Viticulture “2nd Edition” Micro Review | Drive Thru Review, Would You Like a Little Smack Down with that Wine? We’ve been playing long enough with a few different groups of friends that we always clarify this rule at the start… and with the more hardcore gamers the choice is often to house rule it back to the old way! Very poor communication with the community. Played my third 2 player game, this time without the Grande worker. would love to see this as an online game too, but i do love in-person games. That’s what our replacement parts form is for. If you ever had any doubts about this game, I can’t recommend it enough to give the Essential Edition a second look. I purchased the essential Viticulture game for Christmas and just tried to play with 6 players only to realize my set is missing a vineyard mat. Retail store in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Each season is different on a vineyard, so the workers have different tasks they can take care of in the summer and winter. I can't wait to check out Pendulum when it's in full swing! Yes it is mentioned in Summer and Winter, but the first time we played I forgot and flicked back to the worker placement section for a reference when placing our first worker and it was not there. Just fill out the replacement parts form. If that’s something you would enjoy doing, go for it! When there’s news, it’ll be in our newsletter. And no, the grande can only be placed on the board. At one point we considered making special buildings, and our sculptor even designed them, but our surveys indicated there wasn’t enough demand for a full print run. In order to do what I was thinking about, is there anyway that Stonemaier games can provide design for stickers with original art (guess that can be cropped from original components design) and I will use some font and made my translations in order to have customized Serbian localisation side of the game, as I do not benefit that much from the Spanish side, and with Serbian side probably I will be able to get more people into a game. Release Window? It sounds like you have the second edition, so you’re looking for the Essential Upgrade Pack, which has the property cards, Mamas and Papas, and all Essential Edition visitor cards. Cant wait to play it. With the Grande worker I could always take a lower spot because I had the Grande as a backup plan. :), […] is the game of strategic wine-making from Stonemaier Games. Hi Joel! They’re finishing up the translation, so it will probably be released in February or March based on that timing., We don’t have any news to announce about the expansion yet (and we don’t use Kickstarter anymore). My loving child just spilt my beer all over the entire stack of cards I was getting ready to sleeve? While we approve various aspect of our digital games, they are licensed properties to our digital partners, so I wouldn’t say we work closely with them. While I’ve never heard of anyone having trouble with this (I think due to the paragraph about summer on page 6 where it describes either placing 1 worker or passing), I like the clarity of your suggestion, and I’ll make a note for the next printing. I just got viticulture for Christmas! 4.9 out of 5 stars 7 product ratings. Do I need the second one or the first one? I just got Viticulture Essentials the other day. Nice! Sometimes you need to turn 1 sentence into 2 or more to make it clearer. Sorry if this question is here and I just didn’t see it…If we have Viticulture Essential, Tuscany Essential and Visit from The Rhine Valley do we need Moor Visitors too? It is very different to most games we have played, it has so many mini-achievement moments per round/year. Jason: We constantly reprint Viticulture and our other games, though sometimes they sell a bit faster than we think. Also, from SM games I’ve played Between two Cities and Wingspan, both great, and really beautiful mechanisms. We are constantly reprinting out of stock products. Noticed US and now Canadian pre-orders are available. I’m sorry about that missing token in your copy. I really love all the different things that Tuscany adds to Viticulture, but if you’re not a fan of Viticulture, you probably won’t like Tuscany. I must say, I really liked it. Do I need the stickers? Thank you again! Hi Roy: Thanks! We’re working on a version of the game for Steam. I finally got Viticulture to the table with 3 other players and the Tuscany Essential Edition. So, i would like to have it to make paste up with the same art of the cards to make a paste up in PT_BR to easily play with them :). Excellent support and constant updates. Vincent. While the source files aren’t available for this purpose, you’re welcome to use the PDF, which is on our website. I am guessing that is everything that has a text on it, and this way I can have personal localized game. would you like to talk about the new Visitors for Viticulture, what’s new from the Rhine? Yes, we post reprint availability dates on our monthly e-newsletter, which you can view and sign up for here: Please, please take the font size into consideration! Sorry if that was not clear. Is there a visible feature to differentiate the new one from the standard and first expansion visitors? I bought Viticulture thru Amazon because it seemed Stonemeier games were selling it. Then reset the game and start it up. So, my problem is, is that new expansion related at all with that content that i just mencioned? Can’t play this game enough! Or how will it be available? When I re-read the book after our first play it all went to long term memory and in others parts of the rule book (not he worker placement rules) it does say place 1 worker. :) If not, can you provide the source documents to work on ? But im no expert, you designed the game :) What do you think? If you don’t want to wait for that, you can always order directly from our webstore, which does ship to UK addresses from our UK fulfillment center (so there won’t be any customs fees). @Berthold: Because of the visitor cards, there is a fair amount of English in the game. I do not see that marking on my Moor Visitors cards. Because if it is i will try to save the money and wait for the expansion! There’s competition over those tasks, and often the first worker to arrive at each one has an advantage over the rest. When friend of Games Precipice Jamey Stegmaier made Viticulture, a game about winemaking, he didn’t include mechanics about grafting rootstocks or sterilizing barrels, and he didn’t […], […] Iachini, a good friend and fellow game designer. Maybe you should include in the rules that for a more expert game the players could use the rule to play without the Grande worker? :). I received the field and automa cards today, but was missing the mamma and papa cards. Thank you Jamey & everyone with Stonemaier Games for #1 creating this game and #2 putting out the Essential Edition! Maybe that was just a filler question. Since I cannot post pictures in here, I am sending them to your Email address. Now i can’t wait to play it with my wife :-). I just got the print and play for Arboriculture and I can’t tell from the rules how to sell apples, what you get for them or how they benefit you. My girlfriend and I just got a chance to play with all of the Tuscany expansion modules — and we loved it! I really enjoyed the original Viticulture and am looking forward to playing Tuscany. My 11yr old son and I have played 4 games now in 3 days. I have hard copy of it and it’s shame that I cannot play it over TTS. Didn´t want to sound cheeky! So here are the questions. It was in the original KS Viticulture and then in the original Tuscany expansion. I’m not sure if it’s legit, but we do sell copies of Tuscany to distributors in Australia, so it makes sense for it to appear on In hindsight the rules are perfect but the WORDING of one the Worker Placement rules in Viticulture Essentials caused a big problem for my wife and I before our first play. Which company will be publishing in german? I definitely have Viticulture Essential and with credit earned at my FLGS auction, I purchased the Moor Visitors expansion. Does where you got your smaller clear stones carry that size in different colors? great idea for a game. Your job is to allocate your workers and helpful visitors to complete various tasks throughout the year. But it’s still something I’m open to doing someday. Can't wait to play again. The Stonemaier Games website advertises 60 minutes (and the box says 45-90 minutes), and I was quite excited when I saw this, […], […] (Viticulture by Stonemaier Games) […], […] podcast is now available for download. He’s also the author of […], […] This month we are thrilled to be joined by game designer and Kickstarter trailblazer Jamey Stegmaier. In comparison, I think that another game from Stonemaier Games, #Viticulture: Essential Edition, is actually more thematic than Wingspan. 1. ”, “When you are to place workers draw 1 Automa card from the deck. An Dre: I’m really sorry, but I missed your comment when you posted it a few days ago. While many worker placement games, in my opinion, have a trouble invoking a strong theme, I don't feel that is the case with viticulture. I read/ watched some reviews and some of them mentioned that they found the game to tight or something (for example rahdos runthrough of the 1st edition).
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